Collection: Bring Bibas Back

Join us in making a difference with "The Bibas Collection," a heartfelt series of designs created to raise awareness for the Bibas family. On that fateful day, October 7th 2023, innocence was stolen, and our hearts torn apart as the Bibas family members—9-month-old Kfir, 4-year-old Ariel, their 32-year-old mother Shiri, and 34-year-old father Yarden, along with 236 of our brothers and sisters —were mercilessly kidnapped by Hamas terrorists to Gaza.

The inspiration behind our collection stems from a poignant image capturing Shiri's desperation, holding her children close, wrapped in a blanket, their bright orange hair a stark contrast to the terror surrounding them. This unique collection symbolizes solidarity, strength, and the unwavering hope for the safe return of Kfir, Ariel, Shiri, Yarden and the remaining hostages.

Every purchase from "The Bibas Collection" contributes directly to supporting the victims and raising awareness about this atrocious attack. Your choice to wear these designs not only showcases your compassion but also becomes a powerful voice against such acts of violence.

Together, we can spread awareness, raise funds, and send a message of hope, advocating for the safe return of the Bibas family. Wear your support proudly and be a part of the movement for change.

25 products